I love the
Salt Lake Temple. Temple square is absolutely beautiful and the inside of the temple is even more amazing. I loved walking through the halls of the temple. Every inch is ornate and beautiful. It's amazing to think that it was built over the course of 40 years. I loved to look around and imagine the work of the early Utah settlers as they carved the granite, painted the beautiful paintings, made the exquisite chandeliers or carved things as simple as doorknobs.
Of course, I know not everything is original. Obviously there was no electricity when the temple was completed. But, even that was fun to look around and ponder how each room was lighted. The celestial room was beautifully filled with natural light, as well as lighting from the chandelier that possibly used to hold candles.
As I walked through this temple and marveled at the architecture, it made me realize how much love went into its construction. Those early saints truly knew their Savior, and truly loved Him. I am in awe at that magnificent edifice. It is most definitely a house of our Lord and He has walked there.
View a
gallery of the Salt Lake Temple.